Fox In The Box
Name - Chris Tiretis
Nickname - Dougie
Date of birth - 10th June 1954
Occupation - Financial Adviser
Marital status - Married to Maggie, two kids - Niki and Kelly
Team supported - Chelsea
All time role model - My Dad
Most admired sportsperson - Peter Osgood (my hero)
Other sports played - None, I have enough trouble with this one!
Is backgammon a sport?
Favourite meal - Steak, chips, mushroom and tomato, or a curry
Favourite drink - Guinness, just one or two, a real lightweight when it comes to alcohol
Favourite singer/group - Beatles (but Maggie says I'm obsessed by Oasis, I said Maybeeeee)
If you could invite 3 people round for dinner who would it be
- Paul McCartney, Twiggy, George Martin
Wanted to grow up to be - Musician or Football, but soon found out you needed a modicum of ability to do either, so I got a job in a bank
I'm frightened by - Mick Geraghty
Favourite movie - A Hard Days Night
Favourite TV programme - Spooks